GUYARD Julien aka atlante props

As far as i remember my first build was a cigarette automatic dispenser made from cardboard and empty packs from my parents (although i have always been a non-smoking person).
I started working on props around May 2013, I never realized i could turn that hobby/passion into a full time work ... until September 2016, when i went to a propsmaking studio in Canada (i am from France, near Paris) who had worked for MANY productions, including my favorite : Stargate.
A friend of mine was bringing props for the studio to repair, we made a "studio tour", spoke with the owner, etc
Then it clicked !! I understood everything that was going on there, could say to any person that was working what they were making.
From this moment i knew i had to make a move, i thought about from A all the way to Z, then, i quit my job a year later to make props full time.
I now have my own workshop :)
I like to learn new things, skills, tips, etc, i am like a kid opening a chocolate easter egg and being all groggy from what's in there when i am being taught how to use a giant laser cutter.
This is what i love with this work, learning things everyday.
Each day is different from one another.


(French language only)