Battlestar Galactica (2004) - Cylon Helmet

Got this raw helmet on theRPF years ago, i don’t remember who was the maker (sorry :( )

As expected for any raw kits, cast had some flaws :

Nothing that sanding files and pads couldn’t resolve

Quite a bummer tho, i realized later on that the mold for this cast had been made from a 3d printed helmet that wasn’t fully cleaned up, those details got revealed by sanding and primming

At the end It was just like getting a 3d print and cleaning it up, as i didn’t had much time to spare on this kind of massive work, the helmet ended up in storage bin for quite long time

Few months later i eventually start to work again on it :

When the surface was pristine enough, i sprayed several coats of black mat paint, i wanted a fair thickness, so when i’ll wetsand i would only knock off the texture and not going through the helmet.

First try on chrome : fail !

Never tried chrome before, so went to the automotive shop and bought a can of chrome paint, lesson learned !! i’ll never buy those stuff again
All the work did so far was wasted …

Pic 1 : Masking chrome future areas, so i could apply black mat paint and mat varnish
Pic 2 : masking the black mat areas so i could apply chrome
Pic 3 : chrome applied, shitty shitty shity
I waited 2 days after that to let chemicals drying, but chrome was dull, was looking like a chinese fake plastic toy

That was about a year ago, december 2017

Once again, ended up in a storage bin

After having successful result on chrome paint for the Jaffa knife from the original mold last summer, i started to worked again on the helmet

Scrapped off the crome paint, sanding, sanding, sanding, more sanding …

Masking areas :

Paint was done as follow :

- Primer
- Black mat coat
- Gloss black
- Clear coat
- Alclad chrome paint